Godly Woman - Part 1

Aug 13, 2023    Pastor Brad

What is a Godly woman? In our culture there are so many ideas of what a woman should be or even what a woman is. It can be confusing at times and so it is vital for us to understand God's purpose for women, especially as they engage in the mission of the Christ's gospel. Even in the church there are a variety of ways to address this question. You'll hear everything from relegating women to a second class citizen in the church to bending the knee to feminist ideologies. Yet we need to ask, what does the Bible teach? We are going to explore that very thing over the next few weeks. Today we are specifically going to lay a proper foundation by looking at why God created women in the beginning. What was His purpose then? What was God's intent before the fall? I bet you'll be positively surprised about what we find there. Listen in as we engage this difficult topic.